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February 2025
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A Toast to My Father-of-the-Bride Toast

How Toastmasters helped me turn public speaking anxiety into a heartfelt performance.

By Mark Hall

Man standing and giving a wedding speech
Photo credit: Evan Criscuolo

In December 2023, my daughter announced she was getting married. She and her fiancé set the wedding date for just six months away. I was thrilled and excited, followed by an anxiety-producing revelation in the pit of my stomach: I would have to deliver a father-of-the-bride speech.

On top of a normal level of public speaking anxiety, I have an additional challenge as a lifelong stutterer. Although it has become less of a problem over the years, certain situations can trigger it back to its full-blown worst, and giving a prepared speech to 120 people qualified as one of those situations. I knew at a minimum I would have to say the necessary thank you’s and give the bride and groom a toast. At first, that was my only goal.

However, I realized I needed to finally overcome my fear of public speaking. I had heard about Toastmasters and decided this was the perfect time to see if it could help me. With the wedding being so close, I jumped in and joined two clubs so I could double the practice.

Man standing and giving a wedding speech Photo credit: Evan Criscuolo

Members of Hunterdon Speak Easy Club and Warren County Toastmasters (both in New Jersey) were welcoming and supportive of my goals. I took on as many speaking roles as I could, including delivering my Ice Breaker speech. Watching the other, more seasoned members taught me a lot, and their feedback was invaluable. My goal for the toast quickly shifted to delivering a full speech.

I scheduled a speaking slot close to the wedding date, so I could get final feedback. The insights I gained at that meeting altered the speech for the better. I made some changes and committed it to memory.

The big day finally came. I practiced the speech one last time with a friend in the morning and then put it out of my mind and enjoyed the day’s activities. This alone—the ability to relax and escape my anxiety for a bit—would not have been possible six months ago. Before the reception, I arranged to have my wedding toast be one of the first items on the agenda, so I could be done and enjoy my meal.

The moment was just about here. Music was playing and guests were loudly chattering as they took their seats. I tried to run through each paragraph of the speech in my head, but I found that I could not think with all the noise. I could not remember any of it!

Photo credit: Evan Criscuolo

I quickly stepped outside and pulled out an emergency copy of the speech. I may as well have been looking at a page of Arabic or Chinese, as none of it was registering. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I remembered the first and second paragraphs were about thanking people, and the first line to my daughter was, “Allie, you and I have been on an incredible ride.” After five minutes of stalling, I went back in.

I somehow felt strangely confident. I folded my speech up and put it away. I decided just to go up there and enjoy it. Whatever happened would be fine. 

Toastmasters taught me that there is so much more to public speaking than just “getting through it.”

The result? As soon as I picked up the microphone and started speaking, the speech came back to me. But it was not exactly as I had memorized—it was better. I was saying the same thing but with different words, and it seemed more natural and spontaneous.

I forgot some small bits but added a few others in. I was relaxed and confident. I would even say I was having a good time. My simple goal of “thank you’s and a toast” had turned into a relaxed, funny, and heartfelt eight-minute speech delivered without notes.

I cannot tell you how impossible this would have seemed just six months earlier. The unexpected cherry on top was that I had several close friends and family members tell me it was the best father-of-the-bride speech they had ever heard!

Toastmasters taught me that there is so much more to public speaking than just “getting through it.” Even though I have a lot to learn, the awareness of what makes a good public speaker shifted my focus from the words to the message and how to deliver it.


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