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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Member Recognition

Akbar Imhotep, DTM • Atlanta, Georgia

Be Positive Regardless

By Pauline Mansfield

As a 13-year member of Capitol City Legacy Builders Toastmasters in Atlanta, Georgia, I have had periods of being fired up and periods of deep slumps. However, there was always someone who knew how to relight my fire—Akbar Imhotep.

For more than five years, Akbar battled cancer but still attended club meetings throughout his treatments. He competed in Toastmasters speech contests and even earned one of two Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designations during this time and served in several officer roles. At the beginning of the pandemic, Akbar came close to dying. While in the hospital, he asked the nurse to write “Be positive regardless” on the board facing his bed. That became his mantra.

Leading by example, he continually reminds me how much I’ve already accomplished since joining our club and how much more is ahead. He reminds me that if I remain positive regardless, I can reach any goal I set out to accomplish. Our entire club has adopted Akbar’s mantra. Our connections have stretched far beyond our weekly meetings, and we have become a family.

The best lesson I have learned in Toastmasters is that the journey to reach any goal becomes much easier when you have caring and supportive people surrounding you. Akbar, we all thank you for being our inspiration, and most importantly, our friend.


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