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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Member Recognition

Showcasing members, mentors, and clubs

Six Toastmasters members speaking on their computers during online meeting

Toastmasters around the world are choosing to hold online meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These members of West Cork Toastmasters in Cork, Ireland, held their first-ever online meeting in March. Vice President Public Relations Siobhan Cronin said, “While our Table Topics were based around the COVID-19 topic, the questions were very uplifting—like what positives have you taken from self-isolating and social distancing, and what positive changes have you made? Overall, we all found it a very positive meeting and a lovely way to socially interact with each other.” Thank you to all our Toastmasters clubs who transitioned to online meetings and are keeping each other’s spirits high in a time of change and uncertainty.



Woman in red jacket sitting next to her husband in booth

Thirty years ago, Desi Mora, DTM, joined Toastmasters and since then has helped charter many clubs and mentored numerous Toastmasters in the Austin, Texas, area, including his wife, Miriam Hilton Mora, DTM. “I admire Desi’s intelligence, his breadth of knowledge, and his resourcefulness,” she says. “Desi enjoys helping others. He saw strengths in me of which I was not aware. I credit him for encouraging me to complete my Distinguished Toastmaster requirements and for urging me to compete in my first speech contest. Desi is a consummate Toastmaster, a motorcycle and car enthusiast, and my favorite husband!”


Three males and a female posing near TEDx sign

Seven Toastmasters from District 49 in Hawaii participated in a TEDx program earlier this year. Rose Kirland, DTM; Robert Cravalho, DTM, AS; Jicky Ferrer, DTM; Charles Edwards; Dan Orias; Willie Jones; and Charletta Wilson gave speeches at the event, which took place at the Hickam Air Force Military Base on the island of Oahu.

Toastmasters represented about half of the participants in the debut of TEDxHickam. Fifteen speakers in total participated in the event. Kirland, a past District 49 Director, said it was a great opportunity for membership building. “We established relationships that I feel can help Toastmasters grow,” she said. “The audience was hyped, motivated, and inspired as they engaged with us, and had questions about Toastmasters. Everyone saw the value and benefits to step up and jump into Toastmasters.”


Talk to Us! Do you have a short story (aim for 130 words), fun photo, inspiring anecdote, or Toastmasters “Ah-Ha” moment you’d like to share? Mark your submission “Member Recognition” and email it to

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