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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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5 Questions to Ask Before Adopting a Hybrid Format

“ManSoumendra Nath Bannerjee of Aster Toastmasters in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, participates in Table Topics™ at the club’s first hybrid meeting.

For nearly 100 years, in-person meetings have been at the heart of Toastmasters. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many clubs have been unable to continue with in-person meetings. A hybrid club meeting combines online and in-person attendance. Before your club gets started, consider the five questions below, then download this document for helpful advice to ensure your club is equipped to hold successful hybrid meetings.

  1. Are club leaders and members willing to commit to making the hybrid-format meeting work, resolving the challenges likely to arise along the way?
  2. Does the meeting site offer reliable access to internet bandwidth and the equipment needed to conduct hybrid meetings?
  3. Does the club have several people who can competently handle logistics and are willing to take the responsibility?
  4. How does the club plan to ensure that both local and remote attendees can participate equally?
  5. If you are a community club, will you now accept members from outside your local area?

    For more tips on how to make club meetings work when members are online and in person, read “Hybrid Harmony,”
    and for technology and setup advice, read “Technology for Hybrid Meetings.

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