Order the Special Centennial Edition of the Toastmaster
Have you missed flipping through the pages of the Toastmaster magazine? In honor of Toastmasters International’s 100-year anniversary, a 56-page special edition was created and filled with historical lookbacks, interesting facts, fun illustrations, interactive activities, and more! Don’t miss your chance to take home a part of history. Order your copy (or a bundle for your club!) of this Special Centennial Edition and enjoy it for years to come.
Renew Your Dues
To ensure your club is in good standing and receives credit for the Distinguished Club Program, log in to Club Central and process member dues on or before October 1. According to Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility, the minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members—at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period.
Don’t forget: Unpaid officers lose access to Club Central 30 days after their membership expires. For questions, please contact the Club and Member Support Team at renewals@toastmasters.org or call +1 720-439-5050 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday.
Watch Convention On Demand
Did you miss some or all of the centennial celebration at the hybrid convention last month? Relive all the exciting moments by watching On Demand.
Submit an Article or Photo to the Toastmaster
Do you have an article or idea to share? Visit the submissions guidelines for how to submit your article or idea for consideration. You can also submit photos to the Toastmaster magazine! In addition to club photos, we also feature the Traveling Toastmaster section, which showcases members around the world. Photos can include the cover of the magazine or other Toastmasters memorabilia. Any Toastmasters materials should meet the brand guidelines.
Tune In! A Toastmasters Family
Toastmasters can certainly be a family affair. In this episode of The Toastmasters Podcast, Todd Bryant shares his experience of bringing his six-year-old daughter, Cambrie, to a Toastmasters meeting, where she was fully engaged in the activities and proceeded to walk away that day with a prized ribbon for Best Table Topics® speech.
Staff The Toastmaster magazine staff is comprised of five editorial team members. Learn more about them on the Staff page.