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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Toastmasters 2024 Bucket List

Forget the resolutions and find something that inspires you.

By Shannon Dewey

Blue bingo card with Toastmasters International bucket list items

This year, instead of creating a long list of goals that you may or may not meet, look to a bucket list bingo card of aspirations to take your Toastmasters experience to the next level.

Take on a Meeting Role

Whether you’re a new or seasoned member, volunteering for a meeting role can bring an abundance of benefits. With nine roles to choose from, there are unlimited opportunities for growth. Perhaps your strengths are grammar and vocabulary—consider being the grammarian. Do you like to take the lead or be a host? Try out Toastmaster of the Day to ensure a smooth meeting. You can also speak, evaluate, time, or count people’s filler words—pick one you’re passionate about or try one you’ve been afraid to take on.

Participate in a Speech Contest

Each year, more than 30,000 members compete in speech contests. Even if you don’t have your sights set on the World Championship stage, there are plenty of other contests you can participate in. For instance, you could put your imagination to the test in a Tall Tales contest where you present a speech on a topic that is highly exaggerated in theme or plot. Or, if you enjoy the thrill of impromptu speaking, take part in the Table Topics® contest. Members who have participated in these events say there’s more to it than winning—take the leap and compete!

Visit a Club

This one’s too easy to pass up. If you prefer meeting in person, search for other clubs local to you. But if your schedule is flexible and you’ve always wanted to visit another part of the world, check out hybrid or online clubs. For several years now members have visited hundreds of clubs outside of their own state or country. You can immerse yourself in another culture, learn a new language, connect with members you’d never meet otherwise, and get ideas on how other clubs run their meetings.

Make a New Friend

Sometimes a new friendship comes along when you least expect it. You can find camaraderie in your club, District, and beyond. You already have one thing in common—you’re Toastmasters. Members have shared stories of the connections they’ve made over the years—some blossomed into friendships and others found love. Get to know the members around you … you might just walk away with a new relationship.

Try a Pathways Elective

If you’ve been going through the Pathways learning experience, you may have noticed “Elective Projects” starting with Level 3 in each path. While at least four electives are necessary to complete a path, you have the option to take on as many as you want. You could create a podcast, prepare for an interview, write a blog, moderate a panel discussion, and more. Pathways was designed for you to go at your own pace, so pick a path and discover what electives align with your objectives for the coming year.

Speak Outside the Club

Giving Pathways speeches in the club setting is a great way to practice your public speaking in front of a supportive audience. But stepping outside the club—and your comfort zone—is where you can apply the skills you’ve learned and really shine. You could volunteer to give a wedding toast, speak at your child’s school, keynote a conference, give a presentation at work, or be the emcee of an event. Whatever the speaking opportunity may be, take it on with confidence and then cross it off your bucket list!

Submit a Photo to the Toastmaster

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to get published in the Toastmaster magazine. We’re always looking for unique and fun club photos—whether your group goes for a hike, dresses up for the holidays, or celebrates a milestone meeting. In addition, as you travel or go on vacation throughout the year, you can take a picture with a print or digital magazine in hand or other Toastmasters memorabilia for the Traveling Toastmaster section. Submit your high-resolution images to


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