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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Convention 2024: Celebrating Past and Present

Toastmasters’ 100th anniversary celebration attracts members from around the world.

By Staff

Multiple images of speakers and convention attendees onstage

Members traveled to Southern California, where Toastmasters first began 100 years ago, for the 2024 International Convention from August 14 to 17. Online attendees took part in the centennial celebration via a livestreamed experience.

This historic convention in Anaheim had a little more than 1,500 in-person attendees from approximately 80 countries. The milestone convention featured such history-flavored touches as a popular museum exhibit—with an accompanying documentary—showcasing Toastmasters’ first century. The onsite store, always a convention favorite, sold an array of centennial-themed items, from tote bags to the coffee-table book Confident Voices: The Story of Toastmasters.

Befitting the special occasion, the four-day program drew numerous past World Champions of Public Speaking as well as 23 Past International Presidents.

The 1920s-themed President’s Celebration, held after the installation of 2024–2025 International President Radhi Spear, DTM, concluded the convention, putting a festive punctuation point on the historic event.

Opening Ceremonies

The convention started with a flourish, as one by one, members from more than 120 countries strode onstage carrying the national flag during the colorful Parade of Flags.

Keynote speaker Shawn Ellis engaged the audience as he talked about the importance of being resilient in a world of constant change. Touching on his neurodivergent son, he urged people to find the richness in everyday life and stay in the present—to "master the moments.”

Also during the opening ceremonies, outgoing International President Morag Mathieson, DTM, reflected on her year of service and saluted the abundant support of her husband, David, who labeled himself the “IPA” (International President’s Assistant).

A Global Celebration Reception was held after the event, with members from around the world dressing in cultural attire and connecting with fellow members and friends.


Keynote speaker Shawn Ellis engages the audience during the 2024 International Convention. Toastmasters International Presidents—past, present, and future—gather at the 2024 International Convention. A record 23 Past International Presidents were in attendance. Gravitas CEO and 2024 Golden Gavel Award recipient Lisa Sun gives her presentation during the convention in Anaheim, California. Past Toastmasters International Presidents and Distinguished Toastmasters Dilip Abayasekara, Ted Corcoran, Pat Johnson, Tim Keck, and Neil Wilkinson (who moderated) gather onstage for a special panel session at the 2024 Convention. Toastmasters Jessica Allen and Joan Lewis, a mother-daughter duo who co-hosted the convention, welcome attendees at Opening Ceremonies. Members share the stage with Immediate Past International President Morag Mathieson, DTM, as they pose for a photo.

The Golden Gavel Award

Lisa Sun is the 2024 recipient of Toastmasters’ prestigious Golden Gavel Award. In her presentation, Sun encouraged audience members to choose self-confidence, work to harness their “superpower,” and use gravitas to advance personally and professionally.

As an entrepreneur, Sun founded her company, Gravitas, in 2012 with a mission to catalyze confidence. She is the national best-selling author of Gravitas: The 8 Strengths That Redefine Confidence. Learn more about Sun in this Toastmaster profile.

World Championship of Public Speaking

From an initial pool of 30,000 participants in 148 countries, 28 members competed in the International Speech Contest Semifinals at convention. Eight finalists—two from each of the four semifinal rounds—advanced to the World Championship of Public Speaking held Saturday, August 17.

Three women posing onstage holding trophies with purple-lit background

From left to right: Third-place winner Angeli Raven Fitch, first-place winner Luisa Montalvo, and second-place winner Hannah Cheng pose onstage after receiving their World Championship of Public Speaking trophies.

Luisa Montalvo took first place with her speech titled “37 Strangers.” In her speech, the Toastmaster from San Juan, Texas, representing District 55, recalled how 37 strangers, including firefighters, EMT specialists, helicopter pilots, surgeons, and nurses, came together to save her life after an automobile accident and how they helped her recognize her value.


Second place went to Hannah Cheng (District 67) from Taoyuan City, Taiwan, with her speech “Are You Ready?”

Angeli Raven Fitch (District 4) from San Bruno, California, finished in third place with her speech “Replaced by Sophia.”

The five other WCPS finalists were Stefano Cossalter (District 96), Marc Williams (District 119), Elizabeth Hutson (District 30), Ravi Uduwela (District 82), and Fursey Gotuaco (District 128).

Video Speech Contest (for undistricted clubs)

First Place: Mehr Tanvir, Husne WorldWise Advanced Toastmasters, Islamabad, Pakistan

Second Place: Angie Palmer, DTM, Earthlings Toastmasters Club, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Third Place: Erum Fatima Rizvi, DTM, Quantum Leap Advanced Toastmasters Club, Islamabad, Pakistan

Accredited Speaker Program

Two women posing onstage with award against purple background

Lauren Parsons, left, receives her Accredited Speaker award from International President Radhi Spear.

Two women posing onstage with award against purple background

Maureen Zappala, left, receives her Accredited Speaker award from International President Radhi Spear.

Two of the three initial candidates went on to earn the Accredited Speaker designation. Lauren Parsons, DTM, of Ashhurst, New Zealand, and Maureen Zappala, DTM, of Henderson, Nevada, became the 94th and 95th Accredited Speakers since the program began in 1981.

This elite title is reserved for those who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with a mastery of public speaking during a competitive two-level selection process. For their Level 2 speeches, Parsons discussed the importance of resilience and offered wellbeing tips in her speech “Resilience to Not Just Survive but Thrive,” and Zappala presented on overcoming imposter syndrome in her speech “Confidence Is NOT Rocket Science.”

Learn more about the Accredited Speaker Program and how to apply.

Education Sessions and Events

Attendees in Anaheim journeyed through the Toastmasters Through the Years Exhibit, which featured memorabilia from founder Ralph C. Smedley, historic documents, a new documentary, past International Convention pins, and more. Other highlights included the Smedley Fund Eras of Exercise Experience, networking luncheons, the special nighttime Sing-Along, a Toastmaster magazine photo booth, and book signings of Confident Voices: The Story of Toastmasters.

Other highlights included a prestigious panel of Past International Presidents as they discussed Toastmasters’ heritage, along with semifinal speakers, and the World Championship of Public Speaking.

Two women and a man posing inside a magazine cover-themed photo booth

International President-Elect Aletta Rochat, International President Radhi Spear, and First Vice President Stefano McGhee pose in the magazine photo booth at convention.

Featured Sessions:

  • Negotiating Conflicts Confidently With Alica Shikina
  • An Extraordinary History: Past Leaders Discuss 100 Years of History
  • Toast Talk Sessions:
    • Gia Abao: Build a Club Social Media Presence Amidst the Noise
    • Marty Dickinson: This Missing Piece to Club Growth and Longevity
    • Sravanthi Vallampati, DTM: Keep ‘Em Coming Back!

Hall of Fame

The annual Hall of Fame ceremony celebrated the successes of Distinguished Districts and individual members in the 2023–2024 program year. Below, winning Districts are listed by the highest percentage of Distinguished clubs within each Distinguished level.

During the ceremony, Districts 127, 120, 118*, 93, 94*, 125, 98, 109, and 13 were recognized as Smedley Distinguished, the highest level of recognition a District can achieve. Districts 92, 91, 124, 101, and 107 were recognized as President’s Distinguished, and Districts 80, 59, 102, 71, 87, 85, 119, 18, 117, 96, 104, 128, 100, and 97 were recognized as Select Distinguished. Districts 88, 52, 69, 30, and 90 were recognized as Distinguished.

In addition, Presidential Citations were given to 17 members for exemplary service and dedication at the club, District, or international level.

(The * denotes the Excellence in Leadership Award for achieving Distinguished District for three or more consecutive years.)

Annual Business Meeting

There were no proposals for 2024.

International President Radhi Spear speaking while past presidents sit at table onstage

Radhi Spear, DTM, addresses the audience at the 2024 International Convention. She was inducted as the International President for the 2024-2025 term.

International Board of Directors

2024-2025 Executive Committee:

International President: Radhi Spear, DTM, Piscataway, New Jersey

International President-Elect: Aletta Rochat, DTM, Cape Town, South Africa

First Vice President: Stefano McGhee, DTM, Weymouth, Massachusetts

Second Vice President: Gauri Seshadri, DTM, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Immediate Past International President: Morag Mathieson, DTM, Moehrendorf, Germany

2024–2025 International Directors seated for two-year terms:

Mark Lucas, DTM
Region 2

Srinivas Saineni, DTM
Region 4

Jenilee Taylor ,DTM
Region 6

Sujit Sukumaran, DTM
Region 8

Francesco Fedele, DTM
Region 10

Monique Tonna, DTM
Region 12

Viola Lee, DTM
Region 14

Convention On Demand

Did you miss out on the convention sessions or events? Enjoy unlimited access to sessions and highlights for 100 USD by purchasing On Demand.


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