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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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News and Resources

By Staff

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Language Resources Are Growing!

Newly elected club officers can learn about their roles with the Club Leadership Handbook—currently available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tamil.

Members can also access several club-focused materials and Pathways projects in various languages. Hungarian translations of all Pathways Level 1 and Level 2 projects are in Base Camp. Two accompanying guides and a chart (in English and Hungarian) are free to download from the Resource Library.

Additional items are available (click on your language) as free downloads from the Resource Library:

  • Swedish: Youth Leadership Program Workbook
  • Greek: Features, Benefits, and Value Chart
  • Korean: Pathways Projects Available in Korean
  • Malayalam: Find Your Voice, Your Path to Leadership, The Benefits of Toastmasters Membership
  • Spanish (Mexico): Develop Your Leaders From Within, Corporate Club Soft Skills Flier, Member Interest Survey, Transform Your Talent
  • Simplified Chinese: New Club Mentoring Matters
  • Speech Contest Certificates in 11 languages: Recognize your participants and winners at the club level and beyond.

Contact for questions or assistance.

Connect With Prospects

A recent survey to prospective members who filled out the Find a Club form found that 67% had not visited a club because they never heard back after reaching out. To help you better connect with prospects, first make sure your contact information is up to date in Club Central. Need more assistance? This guide has five steps to help you grow your club today.


Two boxes containing public speaking games with cards, board, and timer

Fun for Your Family or Club

Are you looking for some innovative ways to get your kids talking at the dinner table or your fellow members to participate in Table Topics®? The Toastmasters Online Store has games available to help you, your family, and friends think on your feet while trying to avoid those pesky filler words. Bring home And I’m Like or try out Chat Pack for business meetings, gatherings, travel, and more.

Tune In: The Magic of Metaphors!

When used effectively, metaphors are magic spells of communication that cement the connection between you and your audience while doubling as powerful tools of persuasion. In this Toastmasters Podcast episode, speaker and author Oscar Santolalla, DTM, will enlighten you on how to use metaphors in your presentation. Want to soak up more metaphor tips like a sponge? Read his article on this topic.

Use Updated Resources

To ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of resources, utilize the Resource Library to download the files you need. Find the latest version of items like the Membership Application, which will help your club add new members.


Save the Date

March 21 is World Poetry Day! In the spirit of the occasion, people are encouraged to read and savor the work of poets around the world. The event was started in 1999 by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Channel your inner poet with these tips from a Toastmaster article on the power of poetry.

Renew Your Dues

To ensure your club is in good standing, submit your payments by April 1, 2023. Per Policy 2.0, the minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members—at least three of whom were club members during the previous renewal period. Email for questions.


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