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Cartoon of a computer next to various digital symbols

February 2025
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News and Resources

By Staff

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Coloring Contest Results Are In!

Thank you to everyone around the world who submitted their young family members’ entries for the Toastmaster Magazine Coloring Contest for Kids! The winning submission, pictured on this month’s cover, was colored by Chhavi, age 12. She is the daughter of Bhaskar J. of Maharashtra, India. View the additional winners of the coloring contest for more inspiration.

Check Out These Translated Materials

Several Toastmasters leadership and skills development publications are now available in new languages. Check these out:

Malayalam: “Find Your Voice”; “Your Path to Leadership”; “The Benefits of Toastmasters Membership”

Spanish (Mexico): “Develop Your Leaders from Within”; “Corporate Club Soft Skills Flier”

French: “Online Speech Contest Best Practices”

More Options for Hybrid Speech Contests

Districts will have the option to use a hybrid or online-only format for speech contests in the 2022–2023 program year. The Toastmasters Board of Directors approved the move because of ongoing health concerns over COVID-19.

Districts will not be permitted to conduct any contests where members can only participate in person, with no online option. When both options are offered—onsite or online (hybrid)—each contestant must be allowed to select the format in which they will participate. If all members choose to participate in person, that is allowed. If a contest is hybrid, all briefings and rehearsals must also be offered in a hybrid format.

To select a contest format separately for each level (Area, Division, or District), the Program Quality Director discusses the matter with District leaders and then recommends a format for the respective levels to the District Executive Committee (DEC). The committee will either accept the recommendation or provide an alternate solution. Whichever format is chosen for a level must be used for all speech contests at that level during the program year. Check with your District leaders for more information.


Need Some Help?

Have you tried the self-help widget on the Toastmasters International website? It will display as a pop-up on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Simply type your question in the search bar to access helpful answers within our knowledge base (English text only). This tool is intended to direct you to an answer that may address your question. The questions you type will not be answered by a live representative. For better results, type more than one word, or type a full question. If you do not find a match, try phrasing your question differently.

If you still can’t find what you need, you can reach out to a representative by email at or by calling +1 720-439-5050 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday.

Engage and Educate Your Guests!

The “Why Toastmasters?” webpage is an easy and interactive way to share information with guests! This digital resource includes the same information found in the traditional Guest Packet, including Toastmasters’ structure, how they will grow, and details on how to join a club.


Explore Magazine Articles

The Toastmaster recently unveiled a new look online, but did you know you can now search for articles too? Take a trip to the Explore page to find helpful articles by category, author, or month and year. Looking for past PDF issues? You can find and download full issues starting from the current month all the way back to 1930. Start exploring now!


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Looking for more ways to connect with other members and stay current with the latest magazine articles? Whether you’re a fan of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, you can find and share recent Toastmaster articles, announcements, new videos, and more across all channels. Learn how you can connect with us today.


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