Navigator News
The Navigator has been translated into eight additional languages! With this update, the online version of The Navigator is now available in all languages officially supported by Toastmasters: Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tamil, and Traditional Chinese.

Club Elections
While many clubs have already selected all their officers by now, others may still need to fill one or more positions. Consider stepping up! Club officers perform a vital function for the Toastmasters organization, making the club experience more engaging and worthwhile. Serving as an officer is gratifying and helps you grow—as Bill Brown, DTM, writes in his Toastmasters Toolbox article this month, on page 9.
Grant Awarded to Study Toastmasters and Autism
Although findings are as many as two years away, researchers at California State University Fullerton have received a 40,000 grant to investigate the value of Toastmasters to individuals on the autism spectrum. The grant was awarded by the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). To carry out the study, the researchers have partnered with longtime Toastmaster Judi Uttal, DTM, a member of The Contrarians club in Irvine, California, and 10-year leader of a Gavel Club for autistic young people.
Education Materials Now in New Languages
New translations of Toastmasters material, many in languages that have never been available before, are coming online through the District Translation Program. Read more about the opportunities this new program has to offer and how Districts can participate.
Guide to Successful Online Meetings
It can be a challenge to hold the attention of an online audience! Share this simple-to-follow guide with prospective members and current members alike. The guide covers how to plan and deliver an online meeting that fulfills your goals and meets the needs of attendees.
Magazine Articles in Base Camp
Remember that you can supplement your Pathways learning experience with specific Toastmaster magazine articles. Articles applicable to projects in each of the first three Pathways levels are available in Base Camp. Look for the supplemental reading on the Tutorials and Resources page. The extra content covers topics such as evaluation tips, speechwriting strategies, and connecting with audiences through storytelling. Stay tuned for more articles in Base Camp in the future!

How to Submit an Article or Idea
The Toastmaster magazine accepts unsolicited article queries and story ideas. Before you submit, please review the Writer Guidelines. For general article submissions, please complete the article submission form and send via email to submissions@toastmasters.org.
If you have an idea or topic that would make a good story, but you’re not interested in writing it, please fill out and submit this form.
DCP Push
There are just a few weeks remaining in the 2021–2022 program year—take those final strides for Distinguished Club Program (DCP) success. Try to achieve as many of the program’s 10 goals as possible. The push to produce a high-quality club will carry over to the new program year and your club will be even stronger!
2022 International Convention
Remember to register for this year’s convention! The organization’s first-ever hybrid convention—featuring the option to experience the event in person (in Nashville, Tennessee) or online—will take place August 17–20. Visit the convention page for frequent updates.