Nagpur Toastmasters Club of Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, celebrates its 150th meeting with a picnic and a “get outdoors”-themed meeting, prior to the pandemic.

Toastmasters at the Square Club of Marietta, Georgia, pose for a photo to commemorate the club’s 20th anniversary in early 2020.

Members of Utthishta Toastmasters of Bangalore, Karnataka, India, celebrate the club’s 300th meeting with a Humorous Speech Contest and gala dinner in January 2020.
Send your fun club photos to photos@toastmasters.org. Include a description and your club name, number, and location. Photos must be in jpeg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) and size of at least 1 MB (megabyte). Out-of-focus images cannot be accepted. It is not necessary to include the Toastmaster magazine or other branded materials in your photos, but if Toastmasters materials are displayed, they must reflect the current brand.