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February 2025
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Become Extraordinary!

Deepak Menon

In today’s world, we all want to be successful. Even more so when we join Toastmasters. We join clubs to seek the benefits that Toastmasters offers; to use this learning laboratory to achieve our true potential without the fear of being judged; and to learn skills that are not taught this way anywhere else in the world. We transform from the ordinary to the extraordinary!

What makes this possible? It is the dedication, passion, and commitment of our leaders who serve our clubs, districts, and beyond. Without their service, our members and clubs would be rudderless.

How do our leaders prepare these responsibilities? Training enables them to understand their roles; prepare and plan for success; share ideas, tips, and techniques with their peers; learn how to handle challenges; and polish leadership and communication skills they can use both in and beyond the club setting.

We transform from the ordinary to the extraordinary through the dedication and commitment of leaders who serve our clubs, districts, and beyond.

It was the sweltering hot summer of 2004 in New Delhi, India. While browsing the Toastmasters website, I discovered a section on club officer training. With two Toastmasters clubs and a club under charter in our city, we realized our officers needed preparation too.

We downloaded the training material and dove into learning together. Little did we know then that Toastmasters clubs in other cities in India were replicating this process. That early passion and commitment to training helped the growth of Toastmasters in India, which presently has over 900 clubs and four districts, with another district under formation.

As Toastmasters founder Ralph C. Smedley once said, “Here we are, with tremendous opportunity before us. I challenge you to get to work to bring us up to a higher level of service. Let us share with others the benefits we have gained for ourselves.”

Become the best leader you can by participating in all training opportunities that are available. Make yourself extraordinary and enable others to become extraordinary as well!

Deepak Menon, DTM

International President

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