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Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working
Cartoon leaves outlining a green page with four images of people speaking and working

March 2025
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Jicky Ferrer, DTM

By Mary Nesfield

FROM LEFT: Travis Tucker and Jicky Ferrer

Jicky Ferrer is a civil servant who specializes in communications. He’s been recognized for creating curriculum and setting standards for best practices in video teleconferencing. A Toastmaster since 2013, Ferrer was selected 2015 Toastmaster of the Year for his public relations efforts in Hawaii’s District 49. He sponsored the DIALog Hawaii club in Pearl Harbor in 2016, and also serves as a Pathways Guide and Ambassador.

Travis Tucker, a retired military analyst, serves as a senior analyst/consultant in the private sector. For years, he heard his friends talk about Toastmasters. He attended a meeting of the DIALog Hawaii club, and when Ferrer invited him to join, Tucker accepted his invitation and Ferrer began mentoring him.

Travis, what impressed you about Jicky?

I first met Jicky at work when he was collecting cans and bottles. He recycled them for over nine years to fund a college education for two orphaned children. He raised close to 40,000 in 10 years! He’s an inspiring, effective, charismatic leader—kind, compassionate and patient. His calm demeanor results in a positive club environment that invites total participation and promotes our club’s goals. The club is now over 40 strong.

What was your goal when joining the club?

I wanted to develop better listening skills. I tend to make ­presumptions based on limited information, so I hope to understand people better by drawing them into deeper conversations.

How has Jicky helped you?

He helped me realize that the first step to gracious leadership is to consider other people’s needs. He motivates me to listen and respond affirmatively to speech evaluations. Through his mentorship and speech evaluations, I’m improving my leadership skills.

What do you value most about your club experience?

The lessons I’ve learned by listening, speaking and leading are enhancing my life. Each day, I enjoy opportunities at home and at work to improve my skills. I’m optimistic, because I receive increasingly positive feedback from family and friends.


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