Candidate Qualifications

International Officers and Directors

Toastmasters International needs effective leaders who have the ability and foresight to guide the organization to new successes and even higher standards of quality. The Toastmasters Board of Directors consists of international officers and directors.

Qualifications of International Officer Candidates

  • Be an active member of a club in good standing.
  • Have served a two-year term as an International Director.
  • May not have served on the International Leadership Committee (ILC) during the year prior to the year in which seeking election.
  • Your name may not appear on the convention program as a presenter of an education session the year before the election.

Qualifications of International Director Candidates

  • Must be an active member of a club in good standing in the region from which you are running for office. Must have been an active member of that club during the entire 12-month period immediately preceding your nomination by the International Leadership Committee or at the Annual Business Meeting.
  • At the time of the election you shall have served a full term as District Director and Immediate Past District Director, or served as chair or chief officer of a non-district administrative unit during the entire administrative year immediately before the unit became a District or Provisional District or shall have served as such officer and as District Director during the entire administrative year in which the unit became a District or Provisional District, and in both such cases, such service shall have been completed at least two years before the time of election.
  • May not have served on the ILC during the year prior to the year in which seeking election.
  • Your name may not appear on the convention program as a presenter of an education session the year before the election.

Per Policy 10.0, a Region Advisor may not stand for election at the Annual Business Meeting in the same year in which their term ends.

For additional information, please review Policy 9.1 and the International Officer and Director Candidate Handbook

If you intend to run for an International Officer or International Director position on the Board of Directors and you meet the qualifications listed above, click Login to Apply.

If you would like to view the recording of the Board of Directors Candidates Discussion Panel, please email

Upload Photo

Image should be a JPEG or TIFF file of a high-resolution color photograph of the candidate's head and shoulders (at least 300 DPI, between 5x7 inches and 12x14 inches)

Resources for Candidates

Acknowledgement of Campaign Responsibilities

All campaign team members must sign and submit a copy of this form.

Leadership Roles

Find helpful information about responsibilities

International Officer and Director Candidate Handbook

Review this handbook to prepare for your candidacy.

Policy 9.1

International Campaigns and Elections.

Board of Directors Handbook

This handbook provides insight into what serving on the Board entails.

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